
The Sazerac is a classic cocktail made with Rye whiskey, sugar, Peychaud's bitters and absinthe. It is a complex cocktail with many layers of flavor, and is one of the oldest known cocktails in the world. It is named after the Sazerac Café in New Orleans, where it was created in the 1850s.


  • 4 cl Rye whiskey
  • 1/4 oz simple syrup (or 2 cl sugar syrup)
  • 2 drops of Peychaud's bitters
  • 1/4 oz absinthe (optional)
  • A slice of lemon
  • A slice of apple (optional)

Course of action:

  1. Dry an Old Fashioned glass with a slice of lemon and fill it with ice.
  2. Add simple syrup and Peychaud's bitters to another glass and stir the ingredients together.
  3. Add Rye whiskey and absinthe (if desired) to the glass.
  4. Use this mixture to rinse the Old Fashioned glass and discard the excess.
  5. Fill the Old Fashioned glass with ice and pour over the Rye whiskey mixture.
  6. Garnish with a slice of lemon or apple.

The Sazerac can be customized to your taste by using different types of Rye whiskey or by adding or removing absinthe or sugar syrup. There are several variations of Sazerac, some can be made with Cognac or Bourbon instead of Rye whiskey.