Manhattan Cocktail

The Manhattan is a classic cocktail made with whiskey, vermouth and bitters. It is one of the oldest cocktails and has become one of the most popular. It is easy to make and tastes excellent.


  • 4 cl whiskey (traditional bourbon or rye)
  • 2 cl red vermouth
  • 1 drop Angostura bitters
  • A cherry
  • Ice

Course of action:

  1. Take a cocktail glass and fill it with ice.
  2. Add whiskey, vermouth and bitters in a shaker or large glass.
  3. Stir the ingredients together and then strain them into the cocktail glass.
  4. Add a cherry as garnish and serve immediately.

You can customize the Manhattan to your taste. For example, you can use different types of vermouth or bitters. Manhattan can also be made in a "Dry" version, where you use less vermouth. A variation can be "Perfect Manhattan", where both sweet and dry vermouth are used.