Springbank Local Barley 10 Years old 2020 is an enchanting whiskey created with dedication and expertise. This vintage whiskey is the result of carefully selected local barley and a careful aging process for 10 years.
"The delicious and limited 10 YO Local Barley Springbank whiskey from 2020!"
Producer |
Springbank Distillery |
Country |
Scotland |
Territory |
Campbelltown |
Age |
10 years |
Year |
June 2010 |
Alcohol |
55.6% |
Type |
Scotch single malt whisky |
Bottle |
70 cl. |
Number of Bottles |
8,500 |
Bottled |
May 2021 |
Barley source
Kintyre Peninsula |
December 2020
With only 8,500 bottles available, this whiskey is an exclusive gem for collectors and connoisseurs of fine whiskey. It offers a complex and well-balanced taste experience with characteristic notes of fruit, malt and subtle smoky tones.
With its deep and full body and a long-lasting finish, this whiskey is a true delight for whiskey lovers. Springbank Local Barley 10 Years old 2020 is a masterpiece from Springbank that celebrates the tradition and craftsmanship behind the making of this amazing whiskey